Giving you some insight to my reasons for being a Transformational Coach

Answering your questions as to why I became a coach

In this video I share the answers to questions around what sparked my interest in becoming a Transformational Coach.

As far back as I can remember I have been curious in how the mind works.  Querying alsorts of things that many people take for granted, such as why do we call a piano a piano? (weird I know!)

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My dad had a nervous breakdown when I was around eight years old.  I didn’t understand back then why my lovely, happy daddy who was always whistling, smiling and jolly suddenly became like a broken man who seemed so sad.  I wanted to make it better. Being the youngest of five children and the only girl, I was a ‘proper’ daddy’s girl and I thought my job in life was to put a smile on his face.  Even though he often said that ‘I drove him up the wall’, I never did believe him.

As a young adult I enrolled and studied as a psychiatric nurse without finding the answers, just more questions. Later I studied lots of self help books and subjects, some made a difference some of the time to my clients, I am especially grateful to have learned from the best in the industry when it comes to my passion for Hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic-programming. and it is through this interest and passion that I met and trained with Michael Neill and Jamie Smart.

Five years ago I came across (through Michael Neill and later Jamie Smart) an introduction to a new paradigm, that has been around for over forty years now, it blows away all the other self help stuff and modern psychology because what I know from this new learning is based on fact and truth and not just a bunch of ideas and theories.

My life was pretty good before knowing what I now know, but I find myself more and more at peace in life no matter what the challenges come my way.  That doesn’t mean I don’t feel sad, unhappy, get frustrated or angry sometimes, but these emotions happen less often and when I do get in a flunk, It tends to fall away much quicker and my spirits rise.

My passion is still to help others feel good in just the right way for them, so they too can enjoy each moment along this journey through life.

Whether my client is a CEO, a small business owner, a mum, dad, daughter, son, sister, brother or any other equation, we are all human beings and so you are my niche.

If you would like to chat further about how I work and whether what you are looking for is something I can help you with.