Sexual Freedom Hypnosis

What is Sexual Freedom?

“The ability to choose to have a consenting, confident, satisfying sex life, in the absence of sexual dysfunction, guilt and shame” 

 (Karen Riley – Founder of Sexual Freedom Hypnosis).


Hypnosis can be a very effective solution to many sexual issues.  As with all issues, and as stated on our main change work page, it is important that you do talk to your doctor to ensure there are no medical causes or underlying physical issues associated with your issue.  Once that is established hypnosis can be your way of overcoming many sexual dysfunction issues.

What is it?

Sexual dysfunction (or sexual malfunction or sexual disorder) is difficulty experienced by an individual or a couple during any state of a normal sexual activity, including physical pleasure, desire, preference, arousal or orgasm.

Not Just Sex

With the advent of the internet, 50 shades of grey and a more open attitude to sex, sexuality and sensuality, the definition of ‘the sexual norm’ has evolved.  People are experiencing and exploring their sexuality more than ever before.  That has also brought with it new types of sexual dysfunctions and anxieties. 

Sexual confidence across the general population is at an all-time low, and problems such as erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia, vaginismus, performance anxiety and problems with intimacy are at an all-time high.  The fear of being judged negatively stops people asking for help.

Everyone’s sex drive is different – there’s no such thing as a “normal” libido.

The Important Point

There are many reasons issues such as low libido, vaginal lubrication, erectile function etc can be caused by, many have underlying physical causes, hence it is important to talk to your doctor first and ensure these issues are either addressed or eliminated. 


Once you have taken that step, I am here for you nothing else stands in the way, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation I am here to help with a highly professional, non-judgemental and open-minded solution.


There was no classification of Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) until 1999.. To put that in perspetive, Viagra was launched in 1998!

  •  FSD has been estimated to affect 40%of all women.
  • Among post -menopausal women it has been self-reported up to 87%
  • It is impossible to define a ‘normal’ in this context, FSD is not a pathology, although pathology may underlie it.
  • Sexual response is a response not innate condition
  • Physical responses are highly variable with many physical and emotional influences.
  • The individuals ability to respond to sexual stimuli is influenced by emotional and psychological factors as well as physical indicators.

Therefore, in most cases of FSD, there will be no single, simple problem and solution.

Male Sexual Dysfunctions

Male sexual dysfuntions appear in many forms. Some can be physical and need to be checked by a Doctor to rule out things such as diabetes, testosterone deficiency cardio-vascular disease, thyroid issues and many more.  Sexual dysfunction can also be the result of surgery, physical trauma, dopamine se-sensitization and past abuse.

This can manifest as:

  • General Anxiety
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Faulty Beliefs
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Body Image
  • Porn Comparison/Overuse
  • Intimacy Issues
  • Fear of pregnancy/fatherhood
  • Communication issues
  • Infidelity (self or partner)

The T.R.A.N.C.E. Framework

Identifies the six key elements that may need to be addressed. These can take place over a few sessions depending on the individual needs.

Teach & Educate

Release Guilt & Shame

Address Trauma

Normalise Sexual Function

Communication & Connection

Enjoyment/Permission for Pleasure.

This is not a six session plan. It’s a framework.  Some clients may complete all they need from just one session whilst others will benefit from many sessions.

There’s more than you first think

 When people hear Sexual Dysfunction, they usually have a laugh and think “he can’t get it up!”.

Firstly erectile dysfunction is not a laughing matter but also it’s just one of the many wide range of issues.

I feel it is useful for people to understand the wide range of issues so that you can appreciate why so many people are affected by one thing or another (sometimes several) during their life.

Some Of The Common Myths, Beliefs & Questions 

  • Libido is completely orgasm driven?
  • Having an Orgasm during sex means it’s satisfying
  • Men have a higher libido than women
  • Libido is the desire to have sex
  • People spontaneously want sex
  • Your libido doesn’t require self care and work


  • Women lose their libido as they get older or enter mepause
  • Pornography depicts good sex
  • Sex is a sin
  • Nice girls don’t!
  • Women cannot initiate sex