Do or did you have a good relationship with your Mother?   If not, is it really your Mother’s Fault?

Clinical Hypnotherapy can help you learn insights and lessons to deepen your own understanding about Life and your innate wellbeing.

My own coach and hypnotherapist is my best investment in helping me grow my business and realise my innate wellbeing.

‘Mothers’  –  Yesterday in the UK was Mothers’ day, and I posted a video about how our relationship to our Mum, whether we perceive it as positive or negative, is not real, it is a story made up in our mind.

When I look back in my own mind to my childhood I remember good times and the close relationship I had with my Mother.  Although,  If you ask my brother’s, each one of them has their own interpretation of what our childhood was like.

The thing is that our memories are distorted,  we experience life through our senses and only remember consciously, a small part of an event.  We can’t remember every detail otherwise we would go crazy, so we filter details and only remember a part of what actually happened, what we saw, what we heard is just a part of the picture not the whole scene.

But then we get fooled by our thinking and false memory and believe it to be true, then we live our life in regard to the lie or the story, we attach our identity to our story and put limits on our experience of life.

I could tell you about how bad my childhood was at times, how I was left on my own, spent hours in amusement arcades and became a ‘pinball wizard’ after watching ‘bikies’ for hours on the pin tables.  How I slept in a cellar, so scared in the dark of getting up to go to the toilet that I wet the bed and then hid the evidence.

brain-waves-imageBut my intention here is to point out something which may or may not resonate with you right now, but you might gain some insight that will change how you not only remember your Mum and your past, but will also allow you to see a brighter future.

We live in the feeling of our thinking in the moment, the past is just a ghost in our mind, and as I explained earlier, our mind distorts, deletes and generalises information to make up our reality, and when we are thinking or worrying about the future, this is also made up, a fantasy in our head, because all we have is this moment in time, the rest only exists in our mind.

Words don’t really convey the message I am alluding to here, but I would like to invite you to take a look at my video below and what I am attempting to explain might become clearer to you.

Dedicated to Mothers Everywhere

If your curiosity has been stirred through reading this post or watching my video and you would like to know more about how you have innate health and can let go of faulty thinking when you understand how life really works, contact me.