
It’s one thing to want to be successful. It’s another thing altogether to make a plan and put that plan into action. But that’s what separates the successful from the not-so-successful.

In order to achieve success, you need to have a roadmap and you need to stick to it. That’s where key strategies come in. A key strategy is simply a plan or approach that you can use time and time again to achieve your desired outcome.

There are countless key strategies out there, but not all of them will work for you. That’s why it’s important to find the ones that do and focus on those.

Get Started With a Miracle Diary

Start by  utilising the steps in the Miracle Diary,  designed to help you manifest your goals. It’s important to be as specific as possible in your entries, and to list not only your goals but the steps you’re going to take to achieve them.

As you achieve your goals, be sure to celebrate your successes! This will help motivate you to keep going.

Start Small and Set Realistic Goals

Think about the steps you need to take to achieve your long-term goal. They’re probably quite daunting, especially when you consider them all at once. That’s why it’s important to start small and set realistic goals.

Breaking your goal down into smaller, more manageable steps makes it easier to take action and stay on track. And it’s a lot less discouraging when you don’t achieve your goal overnight. In fact, you might not even realize you’ve accomplished it until you look back and see how far you’ve come.

But it’s important to be honest with yourself and set goals that are challenging but still achievable. If they’re too easy, you won’t feel motivated to push yourself. And if they’re too difficult, you’ll get discouraged and give up. Find the sweet spot and stick to it.


It’s time to take your success into your own hands. You have the power to create the life you want. Follow these simple key strategies, and you will be well on your way to achieving success.

Miracle Diary

I started a journal many years ago that I would pop in good stuff! Such as the time I was invited on stage with Paul Mckenna tohypnotise someone on stage. I still remember the feel of the microphone in my hand and the excitement of speaking and hypnotising a guy in front of an audience of 250 people. Sometimes, looking back at these memories is all I need to bring me back to what is possible when we get out of our own insecure thinking.


The idea of the miracle diary didn’t come from me and I can’t remember where it came from so am unable to thank the person whocame up with the idea, however, I’m sure it’s something that has been going around for many years and you can share to anyone who might benefit.


Buy a notebook, just a small one that you can carry around with you and start a Miracle Diary. In it you can record any good luck, “coincidences” and fortunate events.

  • Who has loved you, spent time on you, accepted and supported you?
  • You can start by writing down the people in your life that you are grateful for, their positive qualities, how they have contributed to your life and what they have done for you.

When have you experienced good luck, “happy coincidences” or fortunate resolutions when things looked bad, but turned out well?

You could also include any happy memories from your life,

kindnesses you have received.

gifts – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual,

things you can enjoy that are free or inexpensive – the sunshine, a smile, your arms and legs (your head!), air to breathe … any forms of abundance that you can see around you.

If you really want to make the most of this tool, include experiences that have been painful and difficult. By going back and reading these later, see if you can take something positive, or create a silver lining in these events.

If you wish to transform painful experiences, ask yourself what they have taught you, or identify just one positive effect you can take from them.

Now whenever you feel like a boost, just read some of your Miracle Diary!

Want help with motivation or confidence to help you focus and reach your outcomes?

Book a free strategy/discovery call

Only if I think I can help you with my hypnosis and coaching services will I suggest the next step.