I can still remember the amazing feeling when I first realised the magic of hypnosis.  That internal feeling of knowing that Hypnosis Works – Proof was there in my own experience!

Hypnosis for weight loss, smoking, stress, anxiety, insomnia pain relief and much more

Hypnosis for weight loss, smoking, stress, anxiety, insomnia pain relief and much more

It was during my first Clinical Hypnotherapy Course in the UK.  On this particular occasion myself and the group of students including my ‘bestie’ Gill, were learning Ideomotor Signals.  These are signals we set up as a hypnotherapist, as a communication with the unconscious mind, so we can communicate and help clients to work through problems, release emotions and negotiate at an unconscious level to upgrade old programming.

My friend and I had a rule to work with the other students as we could practice on each other during the week at home,  but this day Gill asked if we could do this exercise together and I agreed, why wouldn’t I , Gill was a natural at inducing trance and I loved the sound of her voice.  She gently directed me into a deep trance.  Although, to be honest, I had reached a stage that just the word ‘trance’ made me want to go into hypnosis as I found it to be a profound and relaxing experience.

Anyway, this day she began to set up the ideomotor signals and asked a question to look for a no response, the question was “Ange, do we go on the A64 to go home?”   My response to this was to begin giggling uncontrollably!  Gill thought I wasn’t in a trance because of the laughter and then when she realised that I was infact, in  a deep trance and was not responding consciously, she suggested that it was ok for me to laugh, at which point I began to cry and sob.  Gill was relieved that a tutor heard the noise and came into the room to investigate.  I know at some point they brought me out of one trance and then took me back down again to work though a few things.

I can away from the experience with a profound feeling of well being having released some powerful emotion that I was unaware of holding on to.  When Gilly asked the question:  “Ange, do we go on the A64 to go home?” (and I am not sure about this but think it is probably true)  She triggered a memory in me of when my Mum had died, eight years previously.  My mum had taken ill in Tunisia and I flew out to see her and flew back to the UK with her, my Dad and my brother.  We had no room for my parents luggage on the small private jet.  My Mum died two weeks after returning  to the UK but I had to go to Manchester Airport four days after her death to pick up her holiday luggage.  This meant travelling on the A64!

What happened to me on that day whilst learning hypnosis was a spontaneous Abreaction.  I got amazing benefit from this personally with the massive emotional release,  I also got the PROOF that hypnosis really does work and the whole experience helped me to be a better practitioner.

For those of you who might have a fear of hypnosis and of losing control.  I always explain to my clients that I am just the guide, that you are in control and you are aware of what is going on all the time.

I joke to my friends and family that ‘I am a trance junkie’  I just know from personal experience and also through the many clients I have treated the power of  hypnosis when used by an experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist.

If you have been thinking you might like to experience hypnosis for a problem behaviour, habit or just want to improve  some area of your life, now is the ideal opportunity for you, as I have a  special offer on throughout August.  Be quick though as the price will go back to $400 for three sessions in September. As long as you have paid for the sessions you can take them later in the year.

You can also click here to read some of the testimonials I have received over the years.
