Do you do ‘procrastinating’? and  contemplate for hours over how you can make that decision?

Can you relate to that monkey Mind? making yourself feel really bad with your negative thoughts?

Can you relate to that monkey Mind? making yourself feel really bad with your negative thoughts decision?


We live in an achievement world, where we learn to set goals from a young age by well intentioned care givers, including our parents, school teachers, and later personal trainers, employers and all the self development books you could ever read.

Unintentionally, we are taught that our self worth is attached to reaching goals and so it becomes very important that we make the right decision which will move us towards our goals.

Otherwise we might fail and feel bad, stupid, useless, worthless and whatever words you might come up with that describes the uncomfortable feelings inside.

 Stop Procrastinating – The Secret

 People are afraid of two things, that they’ll lose what they’ve got and that they won’t get what they want. But, people aren’t really afraid of losing things, they’re actually afraid of how they would feel if it happened.

The great news is that it’s perfectly safe to feel your feelings, whatever they are. Stop resisting your feelings and allow yourself to experience what you’d feel if you made the wrong decision.

Just for a moment, think about a decision you have been procrastinating over making, take a few deep breaths, and accept the feeling as it begins to evaporate. Now, you’re free to feel how you’ll feel when you’ve made the right decision and attract that instead.

How to let go of your fear and make a decision with ease.

How to let go of your fear and make a decision with ease.

Fear is based on an illusion and if you fight it, you feed it.

Stop for a moment and realize that all the worries you had in the past didn’t prevent you from getting to where you are today. And in this moment all is well. So there was nothing to fear in the past. you only thought there was something to fear. Fear is a feeling based on an illusion.

The real problem comes from the fact that you think. You were born perfect, back then you didn’t pay attention to those thoughts that can get in the way of your goals. Instead, you were curious, you wanted something and you went for it.


Coaching your mind to realise your innate wellbeing.

There was a time when you didn’t know you had a body and then you discovered by exploring that there was a hand and it belonged to you and a foot that was yours too. You carried on exploring, learning and developing. Imagine if back then you had a thought when you were learning to walk, I might fall, I might hurt myself, I might look ridiculous and people might laugh at me. If we all had those thoughts as babies, none of us would be walking!

Unfortunately, around the age of four years old we develop the ability to question our thoughts and make up our map of the world and decide about what is possible for us as an individual. None of the story we tell ourselves is true, it is all an illusion but we behave as if the belief is set in stone.

My suggestion to you is to recognise that all we have is this moment, everything else just exists in our mind, as a ghost from past perceived realities or future fantasies.

In this moment everything is ok.

And to take a moment and think about an airplane on it’s journey, doesn’t go in a straight line from one destination to another, but is continually re-assessing the route, sometimes avoiding storms or other aircraft along the way. The Pilot can’t see the destination but has an idea where he is heading.

Trust your inner wisdom to guide you in making your decision

Trust Your Inner Guidance System

So for this decision you have been avoiding, think for a moment about what it is you want from setting the goal, ask yourself,

  1. ‘What is the intention behind creating this goal’?
  2. Chunk down by asking ‘and what is the intention for the intention?’
  3. Then take the first step

And, if your decision or goal seems like it’s too big, scary or unreachable. Remember you can set yourself small target goals along the way.

(this link points to some ways you can enhance your goal and motivation skills.  Using our senses to create motivation. This is a great tool but remember,  ultimately, we change from the inside out not the outside in.

Small Chunks towards goals – motivation

As human beings, we like what is familiar, so much so that a person can become comfortable with failing to achieve goals. So set small trigger goals and get comfortable with success.

Inner peace, happiness, freedom, love and fulfillment are what are behind the goals you set.

So the biggest secret I can share with you is the difference between neediness and desire. Just don’t become attached to your goals. Realise the true purpose of a goal is to give you an aim on your journey through life. Your happiness and wellbeing do not depend on achieving your goals.

In any decision, make peace your goal. Whenever there is a choice, and there always is a choice, choose peace.