I am Finding the Magic in Sadness, through making sense of Robin Williams death in my own way and also thinking back to my own brush with death a couple of years ago when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer.

Finding the magic in Sadness

Finding the magic in Sadness

My intention here is to help those of you who have been feeling sad this week to find the magic inside yourself, so you can  feel happy and be ok.  You don’t have to understand consciously how you do this, just read the blog and you might just notice a subtle difference that will grow over time.

One person who has influenced me in my positive attitude  is called Victor Frankyl.

They can take everything else but they can't take your attitude.

They can take everything else but they can’t take your attitude.

The news this week of Robin Williams taking his own life brought lots of feelings up in my mind and am sure has affected many people who knew of him.  Over the past few days I have watched clips of  him.  One  of my favourites are the one of him making friends with a chimp, he was communicating at a deep level, which was one of Robin Williams talents.  He had a deep sense of acuity,  he understood people and animals, how we think and could replicate behaviours.

Perhaps he understood too much and the burden was too hard for him to continue.  No one will ever know why .  So instead, lets remember him for the wonderful, funny, caring, talented person he was, who could make us laugh till our stomachs ached and at times have tears rolling down our faces with the emotion he brought out in us with his acting and the parts he portrayed.

To help me cope in situations of stress or shock, I always aim to look for a positive.  I am sure that through Robin  William’s taking his own life, many of us will become a little more aware of the silent suffering of people around us.  Many lives may well be saved now because Depression has been highlighted for the whole world to see.  It’s like the cover has been taken off and the light is allowed to shine in for all to see.


[trx_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GorgFtCqPEs” ratio=”16:9″ autoplay=”off” top=”inherit” bottom=”inherit” left=”inherit” right=”inherit”]

Instead of writing a tip today.  I am posting one of my blogs from a couple of years ago when I first learned I had breast cancer.  This particular blog was written on the day I was due to meet my Surgeon for the first time.  My intention then and now is for you to pick up something positive.  To help you and others know at some deep level that ‘it’s ok.

I don’t know all the answers but I know that we are here on earth to learn and to teach, we are here to influence and be influenced.  Robin Williams influenced many of us.

May he now rest in peace.