Helping you to see, through sharing my own insights, lessons  & learnings.

Helping you learn insights and lessons to deepen your own understanding about Life and your innate wellbeing.

If you have been effected by cancer and are struggling with the thoughts in your head. Give me a call on +61414211976. Lets have a conversation and perhaps you will gain some insight that will help you feel better.

I saw a Facebook post today from a friend who is starting a round of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with cancer and the thought occurred to me to share with you some of my own insights, lessons and learning’s from my own experience with cancer, almost four years ago.

Every day I seem to learn something new and know the opportunities to deepen my understanding of how life works are always there within me.

At the beginning of December, just a few weeks ago I began experiencing pain in my left arm with numbness, pins & needles increasing all the way down to my thumb with increasing pain which I treated with over the counter pain killers.

Eventually I ended up in the emergency department at Hobart Hospital whilst on a short stay holiday as a local doctor thought I was having a heart attack.

Actually my heart is absolutely healthy but on further investigation it appears that I have a cyst around my spine in my neck.

The reason I am telling you this, is not for sympathy but as a way of explaining that I knew that I was ok whatever the outcome.

That doesn’t mean to see I was happy about the circumstances. I haven’t been able to do my usual exercise and due to Google giving us information at our fingertips. I researched and found out that cysts in the spine are very rare in the neck, it was more likely to be a small tumour and on further reading, a tumour in the spine is usually a secondary cancer. and this is likely to be from either lung or breast cancer.

Bingo I thought for a moment, It has to be from by breast cancer! photo-3-300x225

and then I let that thought pass my by, as I realised how uncomfortable I was feeling for the thought and knew I must be either living in the past of what I remembered about cancer or using my power of thought to create an imagined scenario of my future.

None of which existed, except in my own personal mind which I also know from my learnings as an NLP trainer, we distort, delete and generalise information through a filter in our mind to create our reality.  It isn’t real but an illusion we treat as reality.


mri-machineI received the news on 23rd December after having a CT scan and two MRI investigations, that I had either a cyst or tumour, so thad the Christmas period to think about this before receiving my news early in the new year, that it is a synovial cyst .

Yes I am relieved, but I honestly know that I am not scared of dying. I would rather live till a ripe old age, and sort of think I will do. But in reality none of us know when our time is up unless we decide to end our own life. Even then some body might come along and rescue us, so there is no guarantee.

The only thing we can be sure of is that we will die one day.

My post isn’t about being morbid or pessimistic in any way.

More a sense of freedom with a realization I am deepening every day about the nature of life and our innate wellbeing.

We always live in the feeling of our thinking but often think that life works the opposite way. We are always thinking and reacting to our thinking. It might be that it is the cancer causing us to feel bad, or the fact that we won’t be around to see our grandchildren grow up. We might be worrying about how our family will cope.

Maybe it is your partner, sibling, child, mum, dad or somebody else you love who is experiencing cancer and you are feeling bad with the thoughts in your mind.

The thing is, and I know this to be true, that no matter how bad you are feeling, this feeling is coming from your insecure thinking about the situation, event or circumstances.

Don’t ya just love those moments when a light bulb goes off in your head. When you get an understanding or realisation that you had failed to see before?

Don’t ya just love those moments when a light bulb goes off in your head. When you get an understanding or realisation that you had failed to see before?

Below are some of my own Key Insights and realisations from my own experience and I suggest you read through with nothing on your mind.






Key Insights with thoughts around Cancer

  • The cancer isn’t causing your distressing thoughts, it is your thinking about it.
  • You don’t have to believe everything you think
  • Just because you have a thought doesn’t mean it must be true
  • Our personal realities are moulded through thought
  • The brain acts like a computer, what you put in you get out
  • Our mind is spiritual
  • When the wise tell us to look within, they are directing us beyond intellectual analysis
  • We create distorting lenses that stop us seeing beyond the illusion
  • When we recognise the thought is there, we can allow it to pass by
  • When we let thought pass by, we are creating room for new thought


“Everyone in this world shares the same innate source of wisdom, but it is hidden by the tangle of our own misguided thoughts” –  Sydney Banks


Some of My Practical Tactics with Cancer

  •  With every radiation session I imagined being zapped with Jedi Power
  • I am a hypnotherapist and used self hypnosis and the help of my peers to help me along the way
  • I blogged my journey – just wrote down my thoughts and reframed the meaning
  • When I was feeling bad, uncomfortable, fearful, I found that the more I recognized it was my faulty thinking I found it easier and quicker to move through the feeling
  • I learned to allow the thought to pass me by


I am not sure at this stage how to explain to you the above statements. I am deepening my understanding every day and would say that what I am attempting to explain here has no words as it is formless.

So all I can do is share with you what I have understood so far, and leave it up to the wisdom inside of you to give you your own insights.

It’s like the cancer is a storm, there are black clouds, thunder, rain and it can all be a bit scary at times, and then you realize you are more than the weather…. You are the sky.

To help further your understanding on the nature of our wellbeing, click here and  take a look at one of my other posts and also a video from Michael Neil, one of my trainers.