I utilise hypnosis as a transformational coach and helping clients through conversation to access their own source of wellbeing.

Change happens in that space beyond thought but it is impossible not to think.  However, those moments when we are distracted, maybe having a shower, watching a movie, walking the dog, meditating, washing the car or any number of moments when our mind is distracted, we access that space.

As a hypnotist I am passionate about the benefits of hypnosis.  I can’t promise you a miracle from listening to this recording but I know, by listening regularly,  there is an opportunity for a space to develop where you can access your own solutions, insights and answers.

To purchase this recording click on the link below.
Until the end of December 2017 you can purchase at half price.

Remember to add the code: CHRISTMAS17 at the checkout

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Helping you to silence the noise in your mind and aid relaxation