The No 1. Tip to relieve the symptoms of Jet Lag

The No 1. Tip to relieve the symptoms of Jet Lag

Have you ever travelled overseas and found your holiday spoilt by feeling tired, lacking energy, enthusiasm, maybe even losing your appetite and feeling under the weather?
this is often due to jet-lag from travelling through different time-zones.

I certainly remember the first time I travelled to Australia from the UK eight years ago and felt all the above symptoms which lasted for the best part of a week.

I was so tired and even though I felt weak and exhausted,  I would be wide awake in the middle of the night when everyone around was asleep, waiting for the morning to arrive.

Since then I have travelled back to the UK on a yearly basis and have tried different ways of coping with the jet lag and my number one tip is here for you.

To learn my secret to recovering quickly and enjoying your vacation, just click on the link and watch the video:

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